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Novaled supports Dresden Music Festival 2024: Culture & science in harmony

We are delighted to be a sponsoring partner of the renowned Dresden Music Festival once again this year.

A special highlight is the "Sound & Science" event on May 29. Entitled "Time to Get in Touch", this event in cooperation with TU Dresden will showcase the fascinating world of contemporary real-time technologies. Scientists from various disciplines will provide insights into this exciting field and discuss questions about the connection between music and technology as well as the musical-emotional bridging of spatial distances.  

This will be followed by a live testing of the ideas with a "remote" concert, in which cellist Jan Vogler will play with a "ghost piano" remote-controlled in real time by pianist Tiffany Poon. This unusual concert experiment invites you to experience music in a new way.

We are pleased to support the Dresden Music Festival as a contribution to the promotion of art, culture and science.

Further information about the Dresden Music Festival & the event:

Musikfestspiele 2024



PR Contact

Ms. Janine Pusch
+49 351 79890-212
